Saturday 26 May 2018

Lessons From Malaysian General Election 14

The recent extraordinary result of the Malaysian General Election is a perfect benchmark which shows that through belief and perseverance even the greatest of obstacles could be overcome. Previous government imposed all sorts of rules and regulations that favour them while putting the opposition in a highly disadvantage position. Boundaries of constituencies were redrawn in a ridiculously lopsided proportion, opposition party led by Tun Dr. Mahathir was even banned from contesting, portrait of him cut out from campaign banners, Anti Fake News law was rushed to be passed in parliament, postal votes were delivered at the eleventh hour to Malaysian living overseas, ministers telling people not to come back if they can't obtain leaves, system at Johor causeway immigration were all down, flight cancelled without any valid reasons, election results were deliberately delayed from being announced officially and much more. 

It is precisely all these desperate moves by the previous government that have made the Malaysian public angry and wanted to go all out to vote even more. In the end, people's power triumph and Malaysian made a choice with their vote. It is a historical event not just for Malaysia but the world. It is a true success story which tells us that if you truly belief in something and work hard on it with patience, it will happen one day.

We learn the following from this election:
  • In a democratic society, we the common people are truly the boss of the country. The government is merely appoint by us to serve us.
  • We will eventually triumph over evil even though during the process it may seems like an impossible tasks.
  • If the goal is clear and everyone put their mind together to achieve that same goal, nothing is impossible.
  • There is no so called ideal age for retirement. If you are truly passionate about certain cause, you can still be happily working at the age of 93!